Sunday, April 27 // Door at 7 PM // Show at 7:30 PM // $10 // $15-$20 Artist Supporter
Calamity Cowboy is the colloquial name given to a group of viscous homunculi believed to have originated sometime in the early 19th century. After aimlessly wandering for a couple hundred years, they decided to start a rock and roll band together. They play a blend of country and psychedelic rock that has garnered tens of fans. It’s the real deal!
The Sardines are three friendly and freshly packaged fish saturated with wonder and the joy of song. The elite of the sea. If you choose to consume, you may unleash sonic whimsy.
But I’m a Cheerleader (Missoula, MT) wants you to scream, cry, trans your gender, and sing along to their twee-punk wailings. You don’t have to, if you don’t want to, though. You can just pick one.