Are you one of the Stars in our community? You certainly can be! One way to do so is to help support non-profit causes that in turn support your communities! Every person who comes out to support drag, education, and community is a star in our eyes! 🌟 Come to our Night of One Thousand Stars Drag Show on April 7th and help us raise money for our Rosalinda de la Luna Scholarship fund! Every year we give out a minimum of two scholarships of $500 each. Last year we were able to award $4800 in scholarships to Montana folks seeking higher education! Enjoy our amazing stars performances while supporting one of the best causes out there — education! We’ll also being talking more about our scholarship, how to apply, and who qualifies! Stay tuned for a post on our socials giving all of the details as well as we get closer to the show. Doors at thw Zootown Arts Community Center open at 8pm and the show kicks off at 9pm!